Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A glimpse of unconditional love

I was thinking...how beautiful it is when God gives you a glimpse of his unconditional love for us. I was thinking how my love for "Little One" is God's gift to me. A gift of understanding a little more of the depths of love. The way I can describe it is this: I saw a child, imperfect and full of need, and God's Spirit filled me with such love for this child, that I only see how precious and beautiful she has been made. This is a hard thing, for me, and I imagine many people. Because, don't we all look at the world with criticizing eyes? She's mean, He's funny looking, this job doesn't pay enough, my house is too small. Whateva?! Anyways, I realized today just what a gift God gave me when I first saw precious "Little One". Just how he's grown me in this part of the process. And I love Him for this, because I see people differently, and I am so glad to be changed!

Praise Him through whom all blessings flow...
