Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Daddy Makes an Impression

Pat was able to come by for a quick visit the other day. Lulu got to see his BIG, loud truck and she seemed to enjoy her time with her daddy. She loves her daddy so much. Almost every other word out of her mouth is Daddy. She make believes that she is daddy or her monkey is daddy, or her baby doll is daddy. She just has so much fun with him, and she misses him all day when he's gone. She'll probably be so happy when he gets to stay home with her every other day, if our new work plan works out!

Take a look:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

She's got Style!

Terribly Late on posting... Lulu's doing very well, and God has been good to bless me with more time at home with her after her surgery. I am due to go back to work mid-March now. I am still in need of help with someone to watch her, I have some help but not all that I need. She went to her first Dance Party at her friend Morris' house last month and had a great time. She got kinda shy, but sucked up all the attention from Morris' grandparents. They hadn't met her yet, and just loved her. Of course! She's a charmer, without even trying sometimes.