I mentioned this to my FB peeps, but felt it deserved a post of its own. Last Friday, I was updating our costs and contributions spreadsheet we keep for our adoption process, and could hardly believe the results. We started the process to adopt Ruby on the desire to continue to grow our family and the belief that God was again leading toward adoption; knowing that we would need to rely wholly on God's provision for this.
I remember telling Pat, "we'll get our tax returns; it'll be like $5000 to start with; it's more than we had when we started to adopt LuLu." Both of us knowing full well, that we had $1200 to start our 1st adoption, and the total came to just over $23000. It also took years to complete, and by God's grace and provision Pat lost his job in the meantime, and we were able to cash out his 401K!!! The amount need to raise then, ended up being more like $5000. This time? This time we knew we'd need to raise $18000 from day one, and would have more like 7 months at most, rather than the 3 years for LuLu. We leaped and decide to see how God's work would unfold in our lives.
It was a revelation to look at these numbers on Friday! (our tax returns by the way surprised us at coming back at $7000 rather than 5, first sign of things to come) Every bit of that went into a separate acct. used only for adoption funds, and every dollar raised has also been put into that acct. But I also would write checks for the smaller things from our personal account if it looked like we could handle it. $20 here for Passport Photos, $15 there for document sealing, etc. Well, upon looking at the spreadsheet, we have somehow managed to pay $8849 in fees already. We have $5610 left in our adoption account for upcoming costs which are estimated to be a minimum of $16,511. So if my numbers are right....a minimum of $10,901 is left to raise. (this is also hoping we can get at least one ticket at half price with miles, and that flights and hotels are at the lower end during the season we travel.)
I am reminded at this time of how Jesus fed the people with the Fish and Loaves. He took what we could only see as an insufficient amount and provided such amazing provision for the obviously large need of His people at the time. Practically right before our eyes, yet without us realizing, He multiplied and it is proof of His faithfulness.
My verse for the day:
Joshua 1:9 (New International Version)
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Thank you for the love of this process which you all have show in so many tangible ways!