Monday, April 7, 2008

China changes policy AGAIN....

Who's to know what will happen tomorrow, or if we will be here to enjoy or suffer through it. Only God can see what is to come. But we will continue in the full assurance that His plan is perfect.

"I know the thoughts that I think toward you,' saith the Lord. 'Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to bring you an expected end; the end desired." Jeremiah 29:11

To update you, this new policy change means that instead of one agency being able to match a waiting child with a family, and therefore requiring that you be a client with that agency to complete your adoption. Every participating agency can match any of the waiting children. What does this mean for us? A greater number of children are available to a greater number of families. I have been praying for the reigning authorities is China for sometime. As God gave the wisdom to see that change first needed to come from there, and He has heard my prayers, and is moving. We continue to pray over the orphanage authorities hearts, for their desire to prepare a file for little one's adoption.

Once again, praise Him through whom all blessings flow....