The most common question is "does it feel real?". You know, that she's here and after all this time, and now it's finally here. Absolutely! Lulu is such a blessing, and the process was such a blessing, and even the wait was such a blessing, because in " every moment we are waiting, God is working" (Oswald Chambers). And He was working, in us, in the lives of those around us who became involved in this with us, and in her and in China, and in the officials, and the foster family who had her, and with other children in China, and much more than we can probably ever grasp. Today, it is with a thankful heart that I say, "it's like she's always been with us". Like every day that God brings has intertwined with the other days to bring about the whole picture, and still He blesses us with more days. I am thankful for each day she is here with us. Lulu is scheduled for sedated MRIs of the Brain and Spine, and her initial eval. with Neurosurgery on Nov. 7th. Please keep her in your prayers.
Here are some fun shots of a precious life we are so blessed with.