We were so blessed to be able to celebrate LuLu for the first time on Friday! To be surrounded with people who have helped to bring her home, and look forward to her coming home almost as much as we do, was so precious. When everyone sang Happy Birthday to her, I couldn't help but shed tears. Tears over the joy that she brings to us already, and tears over the gladness that the sorrow of many years has passed. Tears of thankfulness to God our Father for entrusting us with her, and this most amazing gift! Praise God for his blessing and saving grace!
I love how you are blogging all the steps of the adoption process. Nate and I are so excited for the arrivsl of your new baby girl. We will be praying for a smooth and safe travel. You two are already amazing parents. Lulu is going to be so excited to meet the parents God has blessed her with. You two are the perfect fit for what Lulu needs. Isn't God Good! We love you guys so much and are looking forward to celebrating Lulu on Sunday afternoon. Let us know if you guys need anything.~Heidi
Sooooo wish we could've been there to help you celebrate!! I'm in tears as I read your awesome news. Praise God for His faithfulness to answer your heart's desire! I'm so happy for you two...I could burst into song and dance at any moment!!:)
Jamie, We wish just as much that you guys could've been there too. You have been a part of it all from the start. I hope it won't be long before you meet her!
Oh yeah, if you want to take a video of that song and dance, we'd love to see it...
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