The Giant Forest
an original bedtime story told to LuLu, by Kristy Day
Past the golden fields glistening in the sun; beyond the flowing rivers ripe with jumping fish; through the flowering meadows of wildflowers lies the vastness of the Giant Forest. A forest of trees so large you can hardly see the skies, lush with leaves of green.

Where one lone caterpillar spends his days with a full belly. But he is never satisfied. Day and night he's in search of another one like him. He asks the owls, "can you fly over the trees to see if there is another like me?" But the owl says, "this forest is too big, I cannot fly high enough." He asks the squirrels, "can you climb to the highest point in the forest and tell me if you see another one like me?" And the squirrel says, "I cannot climb that high." He even wakes the sleeping giant. "Have you ever see another like me?" "even I cannot see above these Giant trees," answers the Giant.

But in all the searching, not one other animal has ever seen another like him.
After searching with all his might, the lone caterpillar loses hope. He sits on a giant leaf and thinks of all the leaves he has to eat in this great green forest. He thinks of how lovely it would be if only he could share it with other caterpillars, and the thought makes him sad. Because even with all that he has, it really means nothing without being able to share it with others...
And the caterpillar begins to cry at this very sad thought. And the more he looks out at the endless, giant leaves, the more he sobs. Hour upon hour, he sobs and sobs. Until his body begins to feel heavy. His eyes are heavy and his body is weary. And he gives in to the deep sleep that such sadness brings.
He sleeps for many days and the sleep is peaceful and the sleep is good.
But when he finally stirs from his slumber, he begins to panic. For darkness has surrounded him, and he does not know where he is. He is frightened at this and he begins to move. He violently kicks and pushes all around him; something is trapping him in the darkness. He is trapped and he can't see, and he is kicking and kicking and kicking.

Then Suddenly a ray of golden sun beams through the darkness. And he fights even more, and he is no longer scared; he is excited! His heart is jumping for the hope of what the light means! Freedom!
And as he breaks free, he leaps with joy. He leaps so hard he shoots straight up to the sky. He realizes the ease in which he flies through air. And he begins to look around him. What he sees is beautiful, colorful wings surrounding him. They are his! And now he is flying above the forest of trees! And all around him are others like him. A rainbow of colors surround him. Beautiful creatures with bright, delicate wings!
The treetops are full of butterflies! And he is happy!

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