I cannot visit the very special family here in Zhengzhou that we had hoped to spend time with. They are sick. We are very sad about this. But, God must have other plans for our time here. We will sight see here tomorrow and visit the orphanage the next day. Lulu went down for the night and I am so thankful. The most difficult times are bedtime and meals. She cried so hard earlier for her mama, I just cried right along with her, for her sorrow feels just as deep to me. We went to the Chinese equivalent to Wamart today! What a crazy place......I think we got quite a few stares but we just smiled!
The good thing about her grieving though is that she finds comfort in us. That is, when she is grieving she want us the hold her, and hugs me very tightly while she screams for MAMA! at the top of her lungs! Pat has not gotten to hold her as much, as I have her in the Ergo constantly! She loves being out, and screams everytime we get close to the hotel room door! Probably brings back terrible memories of just yesterday! Wow! seems like we've had her longer!
Thanks for you comments! They have been oh so encouraging. Love you all, oh yeah the lady in the rickshaw with Pat is a family member of one of the other families travelling with us, I was sick this day! Poor Pat....He wanted me to be there.
Glad to hear that she finds comfort in you. So are you saying that she has quite the set of lungs? Reminds of my kids :)
Thanks for the picture update!
She is soooo beautiful. Kristy you look so good carrying her in the ergo, what a good mama.
Eli saw the pictures of you guys this morning when I went to blog and flipped out. Yelling "uncle pat, uncle pat." and "Kristy, Kristy" "oh look 2 kristy's"
Jess called me right away this morning asking as I answered the phone "DID YOU GO TO THE BLOG"...me "Not yet I just turned on the computer". She cracks me up.
We miss you all very much.
aka the other parent of biddles and silas:
woohoo! She looks right at home. We're praying for you - and are excited to see her and you guys via photos.
I check your blog at least three times every day and that is using self control....I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotions for all three of you. We are praying for you guys. Thanks for the photos are vivid writing!
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