Saturday, November 22, 2008
The girl in the plastic bubble?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Exercise in China
Some things we can definitely learn from the Chinese are community, companionship and keeping from idleness. It took me seeing how they live to realize just how lacking our culture is in all of these things. It seems that overpopulation actually has its advantages. The average one room home (which is more of an apartment style) is around 500 sq. ft., I believe. (all you China goers, correct me if I'm wrong) So, people don't necessarily live in their homes. They live in community with one another. One style of living is Courtyard Homes. This is where buildings are built on two, or four, sides of the courtyard, being in the middle. In this case, people tend to congregate in the courtyard, in Apartment-style Homes this happens in the parks. When we were in China, we saw both parks and courtyards, where all hours of the morning, day and night they were filled with people of all ages getting their exercise. It was a really neat thing to see. Children on recess from class doing aerobics, parents and other adults dancing in the park, teenagers working out at the metal park stations in mid-day, and the older generation doing tai chi at dusk and in the dark. I realize since being home, that I did not get nearly enough pictures!!! Some of these scenes remain only in my memory, and some are here for you to see in their blurry form, because my camera just doesn't take good moving shots.
Just another taste of China, and what I miss about it there. That and Sticky Buns!!! Mmmmmm as Lulu would say when she saw a picture of them yesterday. She and I both miss them.....Mmmmmm
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
On the Schedule
So, after 11 days of phone calls and waiting, we are on the schedule for surgery Jan. 9th. They expect a 7 day stay and 5 hour surgery. This is the earliest they had ICU rooms available. We are just glad to know when.
It's not been easy thinking about what possibilities can come from surgery, but " Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life [Matthew 6:27]", Right?
On the contrary, my worrying only takes away many hours of my life....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
What's Next
Well, as many of you know, Lulu will need surgery soon, and we are running into some scheduling hang ups. Of course there's no ICU hospital beds available until around New Year's. Then, of course, the Doctor's on vacation during New Year's. So we are still waiting to see when she can actually be scheduled. We are hoping to hear something on Monday. She has a whole series of specialist appointments in Dec., which is the soonest they have available for that. This causes a little concern because I thought for sure the major part of this would be done before I have to return to work in early January. So we are having to rethink how that's going to work out.
So, needless to say, it's in God's hands now, and we'll just have to roll with it as it comes. We would appreciate your prayers in all this. When the surgery does come, it will be a very complicated one, and we will not know how she may be affected until she wakes up and begins her recovery. They will be opening up the spine and exposing it, along with nerves controlling any number of areas of her body, so you can imagine the risk. It is up to Him, also. Much love to everyone, for the support you've given us. Those of you who've met our little Lulu know just how precious she is...we pray that she will remain the amazing girl God has made her after surgery.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Chinese Pizza?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Lu Lu meets her cousins
This weekend we went to Tacoma to have an early Thanksgiving dinner with Pat's family, since they will be out of town later. We took advantage of our time and the gas and toll fees and also stopped by to visit my brother, his beautiful girl, and his daughter, who is the same age as Lulu. Avah is quite a bit taller than her, by like a whole head! She was enamored with Lulu, which is weird because Avah has no interest in other children, but she was immediately fascinated by Lulu and kept touching and talking to her and my brother Matt and I were really glad to see them love each other already!
The blonde-haired, blue-eyed bunch is of course Pat's brother's kids! Their little boy actually had longer hair than Lu Lu does. Oh well, it grows back soon enough.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Reality of China
What you can't always realize in the beauty of a picture, can be felt in the reality of the experience!
What most Chinese don't know, is that just outside the beautiful city known as Kaifeng, where the ancient ruins of the Northern Song Dynasty lie on the edge of the lake. Where fisherman fish and vendors sell their delicious food and couples stroll and children play at the park, not too far from the edge of the South wall of the town, there is a dark, sad scene of abandoned children lined in cribs, whose only wrong in this life was to not be born without any visible signs of a health problem.
What any tourist wouldn't know when walking the busy streets of Kaifeng, and buying animal balloons for their child on the street, and enjoy what seems like a lively carnival-like street, is that the countless rows of bicycles lining the streets, all donning a child seat strapped somewhere to them, are not here for pleasure. Actually, only ten steps from the street, hides the South entrance to the local Children's hospital where approximately 90% of the medically needy children are abandoned in this ancient city.
Unless you entered the park that so easily caught your eye on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th day you passed it, you would not smell the foulness of it. You would not then be enticed to investigate where the stench of what has the vague sense of fecal matter originates from. You would not find this river of sludge, which runs directly down the center of the park, flanked by flowing, Weeping Willows and intricately carved decor, arched by numerous bridges. You would not find couples and friends alike, paddling their boats through the grotesque gray matter that foams at the bends. The filth can hardly be seen in the picture, but breathe the air and you cannot pass without notice.
The hard work and manual labor in China is seen everywhere you go. From the heavy loads, boar on the scrawny backs of hard-working men, to the archaic jack-hammer, a.k.a. the hammer and chisel, to the crushing weight of the crops carried in from the fields by the women and children, there is no way to leave China without realizing just how hard they have to work for what little they have, and how little we have to work for what great amounts we seem to just be lavished with.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dwelling on China
I find my mind constantly on China today. How great it was to take the path that God had laid out for us. I actually miss it, with all it's deceptive beauty, and hordes of suffocating crowds, and endless family time. I miss it with a sweet sadness for the time that is gone and left only the memory. If I could just live in those days forever... I'd never move on, I guess. Well, it's only been 2 weeks and I think I must've forgotten something of China's true essence, because I actually think I'd like to go back some day. These pictures are some interesting shots from the forbidden city in Beijing; one of the first real treasures of ancient China we got to see.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
All dressed up and ready to go!
Friday, October 24, 2008
It feels like she's always been with us
The most common question is "does it feel real?". You know, that she's here and after all this time, and now it's finally here. Absolutely! Lulu is such a blessing, and the process was such a blessing, and even the wait was such a blessing, because in " every moment we are waiting, God is working" (Oswald Chambers). And He was working, in us, in the lives of those around us who became involved in this with us, and in her and in China, and in the officials, and the foster family who had her, and with other children in China, and much more than we can probably ever grasp. Today, it is with a thankful heart that I say, "it's like she's always been with us". Like every day that God brings has intertwined with the other days to bring about the whole picture, and still He blesses us with more days. I am thankful for each day she is here with us. Lulu is scheduled for sedated MRIs of the Brain and Spine, and her initial eval. with Neurosurgery on Nov. 7th. Please keep her in your prayers.
Here are some fun shots of a precious life we are so blessed with.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Making Music Together
We're getting used to home and each day is better than the last! These are nice times, it is precious to have Pat home for this week as we settle into our family!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
We're home and resting
Just a note to let everyone know we made it home safely, and are resting. Jeff and Kim, our dear friends brought us dinner last night and Lulu met Eli, and just LOVED playing with him. It was great.....Pat and Lulu are sleeping and trying to get on WA time, but I'm wide awake after Lulu woke up and cried for nearly 2 hours. She had to switch formulas now that we're home, and probably also had too much running around after Eli after dinner last night. Feel free to call if you'd like to come visit, we'll let you know if we're up for it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sweet babies

Today we dressed the babies in their traditional dress and took some great photos. I think we've made some lifelong friends on this trip. You just can't share this kind of experience and not make connections like that. It is amazing that she did so good for the pics, we found out she had a 102 fever just as we were leaving to take the pics, and gave her Motrin, by the time we got to the pictures she was already fine. Praise God! o Kim I already bought you 4 owe me $5...just kidding, I did get them for you though.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Trip to the market-yesterday

We ventured off Shamian Island, to see some real China street markets yesterday. Here are some pics of the sights we saw. One is of a very dispicable trade of animal parts like tiger paws, etc. Another is of some Snake Wine we saw in a high-end Chinese Medicine store. This was a huge vat, as tall as Lulu, with one enormous snake soaking in it. It was a nice day. Note: Shamian Island is all old British building, it was controlled by the Brits up til the mid 40's when China regained control. It was originally built to create an oasis for the foreigners during the Opium Ward and there were only 2 bridges that would shut down at 10 pm every night to keep from being robbed. It is pretty, but nothing like the rest of China.
Lulu passes medical exam-2 days ago
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